Our objective is to preach the Gospel in un-reached and under-reached regions of the world. We evangelize through door-to-door soul winning, evangelistic home Bible studies and public preaching of God’s Word. We are focused on presenting the Gospel in such a way that a person listening is left with the knowledge that they must make a clear choice to either reject Christ as their one and only Saviour, or to repent and believe the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Once we lead a group or family to the Lord, we disciple and baptize new believers, and begin again with other individuals, groups or families until we have a large enough crowd to organize a church. We have planted 3 churches in this manner and with God’s help we plan on planting as many as we can until we have no breath left in us.
Along with Bible Studies and planting churches, we work with addicts, street ministries, schools and hospitals. We believe that the world is a needy place and we must be actively working to do our part to share the One who can fill that need and be the remedy they are searching for, and His Name is Jesus Christ.